5 Free Tools To Create a Profitable Online Business πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘


I was privileged to speak at a conference last week and one question that stood out to me was β€œhow can one grow an online business without spending so much money hiring people and buying saas tools?” My answer was, you don’t need a lot of people and expensive tools to grow your traffic and sales. You can actually use free yet powerful tools to help you out. Today, I’m going to deep dive into five free tools to create a profitable online business.

The first free tool I have in mind isΒ Crazyegg. Look, it is not enough to attract people to your website, what you need is high converting traffic. Crazyegg is a tool that helps you do things like AB testing and conversion optimization. The cool thing about Crazyegg is anytime you run a test, it’ll show you visually where people are clicking on your page. Using heatmaps to help you visualize user interactions with your website, sometimes users don’t actually interact with your website the way you desire them to, with this tool you can begin to see those details and make adjustments where need be so that your vistors are takig the kind of actions you want them to take on your site. Please watch the above video for more clarity or visit https://www.hellobar.com

My second free tool isΒ Hello Bar. The reason why this tool is so useful is its ability to help you acquire leads. A lead refers to the contact details of a potential customer like their email. If you can get their email, you can communicate and share useful information with them which then increases your chances of converting them to your customer. Hello Bar has designs to get you started, you can collect leads like names, email, phone numbers and it can sync in with your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Tools. Please watch the above video for more clarity or visit https://www.crazyegg.com

My third free tool isΒ MailChimp. This is a free email tool that is generally called an ESP (Email Service Provider) in the internet marketing industry. What’s more to say than that?Β πŸ™‚Β The cool part about MailChimp is that you can end up sending emails to literally thousands of people per month for free. If you have a bigger list, you’re going to have to spend some money, but it’s a great start, and I love using MailChimp. Please watch the above video for more clarity or visit https://mailchimp.com

My fourth free tool isΒ Mobile Monkey. Here’s what I love about Mobile Monkey. They have this Instagram and Facebook autoresponder solution that helps you respond automatically via your social media handles. So for example, if you go find my Business on Instagram, and you send us a DM, you will get auto-response pitching some of my company’s products and services to you. And that works really well as we actually get some leads from it. Please watch the above video for more clarity or visit https://mobilemonkey.com

My fifth free tool isΒ Ubersuggest SEO Tool. SEO is a big deal if you care about ranking your business website on search engines. With Ubersuggest you can get started with SEO for free. You don’t need to spend any money. You can do keyword research, find content ideas, figure out how much traffic your competition gets all for free and so much more. It offers so many features for free. Might as well get started versus paying for something. Please watch the above video for more clarity or visit https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest

Now, if you have a business and you’re trying to do more marketing, yes, in the long run, hiring more people does help you out. You can use agencies like www.aneolab.com as contractors. But ideally, if you’re on a shoestring budget, start with a lot of the free tools out there and then go from there. If you wanna explore more free/paid tools in other areas like project management, marketing, Human Resources, Conferencing, etc. Visit this page where I took the time to compile a list of almost 100 top tools that you can leverage to grow your business.Β BUSINESS TOOLS

If you feel like you are not a techie person or you just need help with tech tools generally, feel free to DM me via LinkedIn or Instagram which should be at the bottom of this page. I really wanna say thank you for reading this to the end I hope it helped, Please rate the post below, wishing you a pleasant weekend.

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